This comprehensive manual of veterinary oncology from Improve
International offers the small animal veterinarian a detailed, easy to use guide for resolution of
any doubts when dealing with this specialist area in dogs and cats.
The authors who have participated in the development of this book are all well recognized
professionals in the field of small animal oncology and have developed this high-quality content,
which includes up to date information from the most recently published research in the area, in
addition to an easy to follow visual design. The “Improve International Manual of Small Animal
Oncology” includes key theoretical information, in addition to practical aspects, providing
readers with the opportunity to update their knowledge in all areas of veterinary oncology.
As in all Improve International manuals, each chapter contains a self-assessment appendix, with
multiple choice questions and clinical cases, so that the reader can test their knowledge of the
subject and easily review the contents of each section.
This book is recommended by the ISVPS (International School of Veterinary Postgraduate
Studies) as support material for obtaining the General Practitioner Certificate in Oncology,
recognized in more than twenty countries.
Authors: Judith Bertrán, Juan Francisco Borrego, Sofia Carvalho, Mónica Clemente, Pachi
Clemente, Keita Kitagawa, Ana Lara, Antonio Meléndez, Carolina Naranjo, Audrey Petite,
Paulo Vilar, Jarno Schmidt
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