A stepping stone in your professional development
Can't find what you're looking for?
You can join at any point and upon completion of the programme, you will have a route to apply for an ISVPS Foundation Certificate (FCert), which is an internationally recognised qualification. In total, each programme will contain 70 hours CPD.
Start learning today with access 24/7 and fast-track your CPD!
Accelerated Learning: Fast-track courses, delivered 100% online, that represent a stepping stone in your lifelong learning journey. You will have access to exclusive online sessions and multiple learning resources. After completing the programme, you can achieve a Foundation Certificate awarded by ISVPS.
Why choose Accelerated Learning?
Suitable for vets at all stages of their career
Accredited by ISVPS
Your schedule, your rules: choose your own starting date and enrol when you want
Developed by experienced clinical veterinarians and relevant to your working practice
Fast-track programme, allowing completion in 15 weeks
Live sessions with diploma holders every 3 months
100% online, giving you access 24/7 from your computer, laptop or tablet
World-class Learning Management System
Immersive content and interactive learning materials
12-month access to all the programme material