No ordinary online learning experience

Learn with the leading global provider of online veterinary CPD!

Over 6,000 online learning lessons, across 8 different languages

Online learning (also known as remote learning, distance learning, digital learning, or e-learning) has revolutionised education, including for the veterinary community. So, what makes online veterinary CPD a good learning experience? If you are familiar with traditional online learning methods, read on – our CPD courses are different. Our unique interactive approach is just one of the ways we go above and beyond to help you reach your CPD goals. If you are new to online veterinary CPD, the below information will help you choose the best way for you to learn and what you can expect – and it’s not just recorded lectures and PDF’s!

Hear from Dan Jeffries, our Head of Digital Learning to see how interactive our lessons are.

What are the different learning styles?

At Improve Veterinary Education, we believe in making learning easily accessible, flexible, engaging, empowering, and most importantly, fun! The content of our veterinary CPD courses is carefully crafted to cater to various learning styles including visual, auditory, read & write and kinaesthetic preferences.

Visual learners rely on images, maps, and graphic aids to grasp and absorb new information

Auditory learners excel in environments where they can listen and engage in discussions, benefiting from techniques like repetition and mnemonic devices

Read & Write learners thrive when content is presented in written form, excelling in note-taking and essay writing to comprehend abstract concepts

Kinesthetic learners grasp information best through hands-on experiences, preferring tactile representations and learning by doing

Unfortunately, a considerable amount of online CPD material, such as webinars, streamed lessons, note-based or online content, and recycled recordings, often falls short of meeting these goals. This makes it harder to learn effectively, and many people think online vet courses aren't suited to them. But with a different approach, we have redefined online learning for a more effective and enjoyable educational experience. Explore the example lesson below.

How is Improve Veterinary Education different?

Our veterinary CPD courses are meticulously created by a team of educational and clinical experts with clearly defined learning objectives – watch the video below to hear more from Dan about the team involved and how our courses have evolved.

We employ a diverse range of multimedia tools to ensure our course content resonates with all types of learners. Through structured content releases, learners have ample opportunities for self-assessment and reflection. Engaging exercises like quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and fill-in-the-blank exercises are integrated to solidify learning. Weekly summary videos highlight crucial facts for enhanced retention. Additionally, our platform facilitates collaboration via a forum guided by specialised tutors and live webinars that dissect complex clinical cases.

Prior to enrolling in any online CPD course, it’s essential to evaluate how it will be delivered and if it fits with your learning style.

Below is what we offer delegates who join our courses, with many other veterinary CPD providers only offering pre-recorded webinars or online reading documents!

Learn with the experts in online veterinary learning

State-of- the-art video Lessons

Interactive knowledge checks

Facilitated forum discussions

Live case study webinars for discussion and interation

Pre-recorded webinars to learn in your own time

Extensive supporting study notes Improve Veterinary Education: the global online veterinary learning platform[/et_pb_text]

Keen to join the online veterinary learning revolution?

Explore the different types of CPD courses available for vets and nurses, schedule a meeting or contact us by your preferred method!