Frequently Asked Questions

Essential information about us

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions


Tell me more about Improve Veterinary Education

Who are Improve’s partners?

Who should attend these courses?

What payment methods do you accept?

What are the course hours?

Online Learning

How do I register for the FCert?

What does the FCert consist of?

How many hours per week will I have to spend on the program?

What additional learning resources are available?

If coming from a non-European country – how would face-to-face module attendance work for the PgC?

How do I submit my case report for the GPCert?

How do I register for the GPCert?

When do the exams take place?

Does the Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) program differ from the GPCert?

Is the PgC program recognized by other countries?

Who can enroll on the Online Learning programs?

What does the PgC consist of?

What does the GPCert consist of?

Can I start the program at the module of my preference?

Can I defer a module?

Are there live sessions or other events that require me to be connected at a specific day/time?

What learning resources are available?

When is the learning content available for each module?

Veterinary Technicians Certificates

Who can enroll on the Online Learning programs for Veterinary Technicians?

What does the VTCert/VPPCert qualification consist of?

How do I register for the VTCert/VPPCert qualification via Online Learning Programs?

How many RACE-Approved CE hours are provided by the program?

What does the examination consist of?