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Clinical Use of Deslorelin in Companion Animals
Deslorelin is a Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, used not only for male contraception but also for oestrus stimulation or neutering. The use of slow-release Deslorelin implants is widespread in a range of pets, despite being only licensed for use in male dogs. In male dogs, various studies have demonstrated its inhibitory effect in testosterone secretion and […]

Semen collection techniques in cats
This was the first study to compare the quality of fresh feline ejaculates collected by three different methods: urethral catheterization (CT), electroejaculation (EE) and epididymal slicing after orchiectomy (EP). Electroejaculation is the first-choice technique for obtaining tomcat sperm as it doesn’t require previous training and teaser female cats. Its drawbacks are the requirement for general […]

Transient reflex depression in acute spinal injuries
The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate whether acute spinal injuries on the T3-L3 segment could result in temporary clinical signs of a multifocal or caudal injury. These injuries could affect the segmental reflexes located caudally to the lesion, potentially causing them to be depressed or to shut down altogether. This could result […]

Classification of involuntary movements in dogs
The authors of this paper reviewed new findings about involuntary movements (IM) in dogs and attempted to create a common classification and terminology. They believed that this would not only aid in diagnosis but also help to create a framework for further studies on this subject. IM are divided into tremors and peripheral nerve hyper-excitability […]

Brachycephaly, ventricular dilation and skull malformations in Persian cats
Brachycephaly is considered the most important breed-defining trait for Persian cats and breeders have been applying selective pressure to accentuate this morphological feature. An apparent association has been found in Persians between brachycephalic skull conformations and enlarged ventricular volumes. This association is also seen in other species. With this in mind, the authors set out […]

MRI findings in Neurologic FIP
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is the most common infectious disease affecting the central nervous system in cats and is usually fatal. An accurate diagnosis is important to help clinicians to manage owner expectations and avoid unsuccessful treatment. FIP is caused by a virus, FIPV, a mutant of the widespread feline enteric coronavirus (FECV). These viruses […]

Seroprevalence of E. cuniculi in North Italy
Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi) is an obligate intracellular microsporidium with a wide range of mammal hosts, including rodents and carnivores. It can infect humans and is a particular risk to people with compromised immunity. Rabbits shed spores in their urine and they replicate preferentially in the brain and kidney. Encephalitozoonosis in rabbits is persistent, with […]

Survival rates in feline panleukopenia
In this study, 117 cases of shelter cats that were infected with Feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV) were analysed. The severity of FPV is related to the intensity of clinical signs and how abnormal the blood count is, particularly regarding leukopenia. Experts classify FPV ranging from subclinical to peracute, the latter usually having a deadly outcome. […]

Feline Hyperaesthesia Syndrome
Feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS) was first described over 35 years ago and, unfortunately, it remains a disease with an unknown etiology that is difficult to diagnose. Clinical signs may vary but presentations include excessive vocalization, skin rippling over the dorsal lumbar area, episodes of excitability, overgrooming, and self-trauma. In the most severe forms, animals might […]

Effect of oral inflammation on the absorption of Buprenorphine
Buprenorphine is an important analgesic due to its possibility of being administered orally and its reduced side effects when compared to other opioids. Gingivostomatitis in cats is a frequent multifactorial condition that causes severe pain and discomfort so it requires sturdy symptomatic treatments. Because it can be absorbed orally, and because it has fewer side-effects […]

Digital VS Optical Refractometer to measure urine specific gravity in cats
The evaluation of renal concentrating ability is an important function in veterinary medicine. The gold standard for the assessment of urine concentration is the measurement of urine osmolality, but this requires expensive equipment that’s not readily available in clinical practice. The measurement of urine specific gravity (USG) is commonly used since it closely correlates with […]

Management of canine hip dysplasia using physiotherapy
While surgical intervention is recommended in many cases of canine hip dysplasia, particularly in young patients and in those with debilitating osteoarthritis (OA), there are times when multi-modal conservative management is preferable. Several physical rehabilitation protocols can be implemented in the conservative management of canine hip dysplasia. Manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and other modalities, such […]

Laser Therapy in Pets
Laser therapy (LT), also known as cold laser therapy or low-level laser therapy, is an increasingly popular modality and a useful complement to physical therapy protocols. The energy of the laser light interacts with cells and tissues and this leads to biochemical changes, known as photobiomodulation. While the exact interaction mechanisms are still being studied, […]

Diet and physiotherapy in post-surgery recovery
The authors of this study set out to measure the effects of a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acid and of physical rehabilitation on the onset of osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs which suffered from cranial cruciate ligament disease (CCL). 48 dogs with unilateral CCL disease were selected for the study. They were submitted to tibial […]

Therapeutic exercises in cats
While cats may not seem the most likely candidates for therapeutic exercise (TE), it is possible to create treatment plans that can benefit most patients. TE aims to increase the range of motion in joints, improve muscle strength and limb use, as well as improving proprioception and mobility. TE consists of three sorts of exercise: […]

Electrical stimulation in pets
Electrical stimulation is an attractive option for veterinary physical therapy as it’s a cost-effective way to support recovery following injury or surgery. It can be used to: not only to control pain improve the range of motion in damaged joints, reduce oedema and wound healing time increase muscle strength. One of the most common modalities […]