- Overview
- Modules
- Pricing
The cardiology semester will cover the most common acquired and congenital heart diseases in dogs and cats. We will discuss the aetiology, pathophysiology, most up-to-date diagnostic approaches and the most recent treatment trials on heart disease in small animals.
Throughout the four lectures we will discuss the most common cardiac conditions in small animals, namely myxomatous mitral valve disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart diseases. In addition to our lectures, we will have frequent discussions on ECGs and echo images on our online forum. Finally, we have one session where we will discuss common and more rare cardiac cases.
General learning objectives of the cardiology semester
- Review and consolidate knowledge on valvular and myocardial disease in dogs and cats
- Recognise and identify the most common congenital heart diseases and treatment options in dogs and cats
- Discuss treatment options for asymptomatic heart disease (pre-clinical/occult) and congestive heart failure
You can enrol at any time and receive six-month access.
Delivery consists of:
- Videos, recorded in 2022, using state of the art chroma technology. Use of a green screen produces high quality resolution recordings and delivers a more engaging learning experience when compared to standard laptop webinar recordings. Videos will be organised in 20- minute, easy to manage learning episodes and can be accessed in your own time over the month. Please note: the first lesson of this semester is delivered via Panopto recording, with the remaining lessons as green-screen videos.
- Notes for downloading
- Journal club where the team will be signposting suggested further reading
- Online lesson on ‘How to Reflect’ and a reflection forum for posting of reflective comments
- Two recorded seminars per semester, delivered by members of the specialist team.
- Reflective quiz at the end of each semester to recap your knowledge
Please see individual semesters on website for learning objectives in individual lessons.