Advanced training now open to all vets

12 July 2023 -

Recently, we changed our eligibility criteria for our postgraduate advanced training programmes to enable more vets to progress in their chosen field. Vets will now no longer be required to already have an ISVPS General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert), Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) awarded by Harper Adams University or equivalent qualification to join. 

To encourage more vets to take the next step in their learning journey, we have introduced four advanced programmes, including Advanced Small Animal Medicine, Advanced Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, Advanced Small Animal Soft Tisue Surgery and our latest Advanced Small Animal Cardiology programme. 

The latter starts 21 June 2023 and takes places in Swindon. Its 14 modules cover: 

  • Complex cardiac diseases 
  • Advanced diagnostic techniques 
  • In-depth, evidence-based examinations for treatment recommendations 
  • Anatomy of the cardiovascular system 
  • Cardiac arrhythmias, echocardiography and cardiac emergencies 
  • Cardiac diseases, pulmonary hypertension and advances in cardiac surgery 

With this training, vets will also be able to earn a new General Practitioner Advanced Certificate (GPAdvCert) awarded by the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS).  

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