Ultrasonography for Thorax, Skeleton, Head, and Neck
To be confirmed
Explore the intricacies of ultrasonography with a focus on thoracic imaging and the skeletal system, head, and neck. This course expands on the principles covered in the main program, offering specialized knowledge and hands-on experience in these specific areas. Participants will engage in interactive modules, practical scanning, and case-based learning to refine their diagnostic skills.
This course provides a specialized exploration of thoracic ultrasonography and ultrasonography of the skeletal system, head, and neck. Practical scanning sessions offer participants the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, while case-based material enhances their ability to diagnose real-world clinical scenarios. The course ensures a thorough understanding of these specific imaging modalities.
Designed for veterinaries seeking expertise in thoracic and musculoskeletal ultrasonography, Participants will gain valuable skills and knowledge, contributing to their overall proficiency in diagnostic imaging.
01 - Thoracic Ultrasonography
To be confirmed
At the end of the module you will know how to perform a basic ultrasonographic examination of the thorax excluding the heart. You will be able to identify common intrathoracic diseases like pleural effusion, mediastinal masses and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, pulmonary consolidation and pulmonary masses. You will also learn the technique and perform ultrasound-guided aspirations and biopsies.
Key learning objectives:
Revise the normal anatomy and ultrasonographic appearance of the thorax excluding the heart
Appreciate the applications of T-Fast scanning
Recognise the ultrasonographic changes and common diseases of the mediastinum, pleural space and lungs
Understand the approach to ultrasound guided biopsy and aspiration techniques
Review the ultrasound techniques practised in previous modules
This module includes a practical scanning session.
02 - Ultrasonography of the Skeletal System, Head and Neck Ultrasonography
To be confirmed
At the end of the module you will be familiar with the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the skeletal system along with variations from the normal. You will also learn to scan the structures of the head and neck reviewing normal variations and true abnormalities.
Key learning objectives:
Recognise the normal appearance and deviations from normal of muscles and tendons. Practical identification and examination of the biceps tendon and common calcaneal tendon.
Recognise the normal anatomy and ultrasonographic appearance of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and salivary glands
Interpret ultrasonographic changes associated with diseases of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and salivary gland
Understand the applications of ultrasound in examining the eye