Vets Course
Emergency Medicine and Surgery
ISVPS General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert)
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22 Sep 2025 - 09 Dec 2026
Current interest in small animal accident and emergency medicine and surgery is greater now than ever before. This exciting modular course is dedicated to providing high quality, relevant, clinically useful information for the small animal practitioner. Information that is practically relevant is presented using an approach based around the major organ systems.
Interactive discussions and clinical case material will be used to highlight important elements in successful patient management. This course will be of immense value to all veterinary surgeons and particularly those who see emergency cases as part of their regular workload.
The modules will assist delegates in consolidating their knowledge of medical and surgical emergency situations and help them develop a structured clinical approach to the emergency patient.
The Small Animal Emergency Medicine and Surgery programme is provided by Improve International in collaboration with the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS)
Complete the program (all modules) and achieve the General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert) by passing the required assessments with the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS).
Venue: Greve, Denmark
Date: 22 Sep 2025 - 09 Dec 2026
GPCert in Emergency Medicine and Surgery
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01 - The Initial Approach to the Emergency Patient
Learning Objectives:
- Recognise administrative, legal, and ethical issues involving the critically ill
- patient (NOT EXAMINED)
- Describe triage systems and detail a suitable initial patient assessment
- Describe emergency vascular access techniques including jugular and intra-osseous routes
- Discuss the principles of pain management, stabilization and monitoring
- Identify health and safety concerns and precautions, including managing situations involving potential zoonoses and nosocomial infections in the ntensive care unit
- Discuss infectious diseases and preventative healthcare
02 - Supporting the Emergency Patient and Monitoring
Key learning objectives:
- Recognize, assess and treat shock
- Appreciate the indications for the different types of fluid therapy with their advantages and disadvantages, and explain the need for electrolyte supplementation
- Compare techniques for venous access: sites, catheter placement, preparations and complications including advanced and intraosseous techniques
- Outline acid-base balance and the approach to disturbances
- Explain the need to monitor for complications during treatment and the importance of recording central venous pressure
- Recognize and assess acute malnutrition
- Discuss how to provide enteral, total parenteral and partial parenteral nutrition
03 - Laboratory Diagnosis, Clinical Pathology and Transfusion Medicine
Learning Objectives
- Describe sampling techniques, sample processing, sample storage, and data recording
- Interpret microscopic features when examining blood smears, urinary sediment, and basic cytology, and be able to diagnose common acute and chronic conditions seen in general practice
- Assess haemostasis
- Interpret clinical laboratory medicine information including hematology, biochemistry, electrolytes, and arterial and blood gas analyses
- Identify when transfusion should be considered, and recognize that there are no ‘magic’ numbers
- Select appropriate blood products and protocols to minimize adverse outcomes
- Manage common conditions leading to hematological abnormalities that require transfusion
04 - Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Sedation Techniques
Learning Objectives
- Detail the approach to patient stabilisation prior to anaesthesia
- Select appropriate parenteral and inhalational anaesthetic regimes and recognise their relative advantages and disadvantages
- Differentiate sedation and anaesthesia
- Identify anaesthetic equipment and monitoring techniques, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages
- Justify the selection of NSAIDs, opioids, local anaesthetic and topical treatment options for the emergency patient
- Explain the pharmacokinetics, potential interactions and adverse effects of commonly used therapeutic agents, including anti-microbials and antiparasiticides in addition to anaesthetics and anti-inflammatories, in the emergency patient
- Decide about the use of other drugs including neuromuscular blocking agents and sedatives in the emergency patient
05 - Neurological Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Describe how to perform a neurological examination
- Select appropriate diagnostic tests, including radiography and CSF analysis, and apply them to individual cases
- Manage common neurological emergencies including head trauma, traumatic brain injury, meningoencephaltis of unknown origin (MUO) and seizures
06 - Toxicologic Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Triage poisoned patients, recalling the general principles of intoxication
- List common toxicities, including insecticides, molluscicides, rodenticides, herbicides, household preparations, and plants, and recognize their clinical signs
- Diagnose, manage and assess the prognosis of patients presenting with common poisonings
07 - Ophthalmological Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Describe how to perform a systematic ophthalmological examination, recognizing its importance to properly access an emergency patient
- Recognize normal features and variants when performing an ophthalmological examination, considering possible ophthalmological emergencies
- Formulate a diagnostic approach to common presentations including red eye, ocular pain, ocular discharge, blindness, proptosis, and retinal detachment
- Describe medical and surgical management of common ocular conditions including corneal ulceration, uveitis, and glaucoma
- Recognise ocular manifestations of systemic disease
- Select ocular medications and compare therapeutic agents
08 - Renal, Urinary Tract, Reproductive and Paediatric Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Apply diagnostic techniques including laboratory investigations and imaging to these cases
- Investigate and manage common renal and urinary tract emergencies, namely urethral obstruction, ureteral obstruction and management of nonsurgical acute kidney injury
- Recognise the principles of renal, ureteral, bladder and urethral surgery
- Recall the steps to correctly perform a cystocentesis
- Identify the limitations, principles of placement and maintenance of urinary catheters
- Recall the normal reproductive physiology
- Identify the physiological aspects involved in the conversion from foetal to neonatal circulation
- Diagnose and establish a management plan for common reproductive and paediatric emergencies, namely C-section, mastitis, pyometra and prostatitis
- Diagnose and establish a management plan for common paediatric emergencies, including hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, failure in passive immunity and malnutrition
09 - Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies
Key learning objectives:
- Detail the common metabolic conditions requiring urgent or emergency therapy
- Be familiar with the impact of metabolic disturbances on the patient’s major body systems
- Devise an approach to the diagnosis and management of common diseases including hypoadrenocorticism, DKA, thyroid storm and metabolic diseases related to hypoglycaemia
- Understand key diagnostic tests and their application
- Appreciate the complications encountered during therapy, their prevention and management
10 - Respiratory Tract Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Understand the general approach to dyspnoea
- Triage and create a management plan for patients in respiratory distress
- Utilise and interpret a range of diagnostic techniques for respiratory patients including auscultation, radiography, endoscopy, and arterial blood gas analysis to localize the underlying cause
- Appreciate the methods of oxygen delivery and be able to monitor the efficacy of treatment
- Review the problems associated with oxygen delivery
- Explain the techniques available for drainage of the pleural cavity
11 - The Principles of Surgery and the Approach to Trauma and Wound Management
Learning Objectives
- Stabilize a patient before surgery, plan surgery, and manage complications
- Appreciate the indications for immediate surgical intervention
- Understand surgical asepsis, theatre protocol, and the rational use of anti-microbials in surgical patients
- Approach the acute management of hemostasis, abdominal and respiratory trauma
- Approach external soft tissue wounds, myocardial injury, and musculoskeletal trauma
- Define damage-controlled resuscitation and identify the cases where it applies
12 - Gastrointestinal Emergencies
Learning Objectives
- Describe the approach to the ‘acute abdomen’
- Recognize common emergency conditions affecting the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and pancreas
- Formulate a diagnostic plan, including the use of imaging modalities, and describe effective monitoring strategies for common emergency conditions affecting the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and pancreas
- Select appropriate surgical interventions for gastrointestinal emergencies
- Assess acute malnutrition
- Recognize the procedures to provide enteral, total parenteral, and partial parenteral nutrition
- Create a diagnostic and management plan to approach the refeeding syndrome
13 - Emergencies in Rabbits, Rodents and Cage Birds
Learning Objectives
- Interpret the practical findings of a physical examination
- Formulate a diagnostic approach to common presentations of emergency conditions
- Manage common emergency conditions
- Approach the anesthesia and analgesia of these species in emergency situations.
14 - Cardiovascular Emergencies and CPCR
Learning Objectives
- Understand the cardiovascular assessment and management of patients presented with cardiovascular emergencies
- Utilise and interpret a range of diagnostic techniques including ECGs, radiographs, echocardiographs and laboratory data
- Diagnose and manage acute canine congestive heart failure, feline cardiomyopathy and aortic thromboembolism
- Recognise and manage pericardial disease and understand how to perform pericardiocentesis
- Identify and manage cardiac arrhythmias
- Consider the predisposing factors likely to result in cardiac arrest, how this changes the approach to CPCR and determining prognosis following CPCR
- Understand the various components of CPCR (DABC) and their various importance
15 - Emergency Surgery I - Practical Session
Learning Objectives
- Thoracocentesis and chest drain placement
- Central venous catheter placement
- Esophageal feeding tube
- Urinary obstruction and urethrotomy/ urethrostomy
16 - Emergency Surgery II - Practical Session
Learning Objectives
- Approach to the acute abdomen and peritonitis
- GDV and Gastropexy
- Gastric feeding tube
- Enterotomy / enterectomy/ splenectomy
17 - Emergency Procedures - Practical Session
Learning Objectives
- Tracheotomy/ tracheostomy
- Arterial blood collection
- Nasal cannula placement
- Venous cut down
Venue: Greve, Denmark
Date: 22 Sep 2025 - 09 Dec 2026
GPCert in Emergency Medicine and Surgery
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Available Plans
Pricing Billing
Emergency Medicine and Surgery Early price
Payment Option | First Payment | Second Payment(s) | Total Payment |
Full Payment | 87.300DKK | - | 87.300DKK |
The fees include ALL registration and exam fees to achieve a GPCert from ISVPS.
Payment Terms & Conditions
1. Payment for the course can be paid by bank transfer.
2. Please contact us for pricing relating to corporate veterinary groups and multiple booking discounts.
3. Please also see our full terms and conditions on our website – Terms and Conditions.
Registration Information
1. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first served basis.
2. Where all available places are full, applicants will be offered first refusal for the next available date.
3. Improve International reserves the right to close the intake early if the number of applications received exceeds the number of available places.
4. Confirmation and enrolment details will then be sent to applicants once we have received a completed application form.